Sabtu, 17 April 2010

About Marketing

Marketing is one of the activities in the economy that helps in creating economic value. Economic value itself determines the price of goods and services. Important factor in creating that value is the production, marketing and consumption. Marketing as liaison between production and consumption activities.
Lots of experts who have provided definitions for this marketing. The definitions given are often different among experts that one with the other experts. The difference is caused by the differences of these experts in viewing and reviewing marketing. In these marketing activities, the exchange activity is central. An exchange of marketing activities in which someone tries to offer a number of goods or services with a value of every related kinds of social groups to meet their needs. Marketing as a human activity directed at satisfying wants and needs through a process of exchange. Yangpaling definition consistent with the objectives are:
Marketing is a social and managerial process in which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want by creating, offering, and exchanging prosuk of value to other parties (Kotler, 1997).
This marketing definition rests on the core concepts that include the need (needs), desires (wants), and requests (demands).
Man must find their needs first, before he filled it. Efforts to meet those needs can be done by means of holding a relationship. Thus bia marketing also means an attempt to satisfy the needs of buyers and sellers (Private, 1996).

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